Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Stereotypes Against Americans

Stereotypes Against Americans

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Many people stereotype Americans as the type of people who only eat foods like fries, hamburgers, hot dogs, unhealthy sodas, and much more junk food. However these foods are not all that Americans eat, in fact there is a much high variety of all of the foods Americans eat. Many think that Americans only eat these junk foods, since a high number of Americans have to deal with obesity. However, there are also many who do not suffer from obesity, as well as a majority of Americans who keep themselves fit and do what they need to do to keep themselves living a happy and healthy lifestyle. It is not right for people to stereotype Americans as an obese group who only eat junk foods as their way of life. Not only is that false, but it also a stereotypical remark that needs to leave.

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Stereotypes Against Italians

Stereotypes Against Italians

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There are many stereotypes against Italian people that still exist today. For starters, many think that all Italian people eat would be either pizza or pasta. Obviously, though that is a common food, when people hear the term Italy, all they think about is the Italian population just sitting around eating pizza or pasta. Another stereotype against Italians would be that their men are womanizers. Many tend to believe that Italian men will approach a woman, especially if she is walking alone, and he will tend to hug her or kiss her hand, to allow her to feel a sort of attraction. In addition, many believe that Italian men have an unhealthy relationship with their mother, since some tend to live with their parents until they are even thirty years old. Although these stereotypes are well known and many believe that they are facts, a whole group of people should not be judged by these misconceptions since no one is the same, and one should never be judges by who they are and what background they have.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Stereotypes Against the Irish

Stereotypes Against the Irish


There are many common stereotypes against Irish people.  A main one would be that they are all drunks, and many of the men become violent people once they drink. Due to this, many consider Ireland to be a violent country, filled with violent crimes.It is surely not truw that Another stereotype would be that the Irish all have red hair. However, that is obviously not true, because even I personally know a few Irish people who either have blonde or brown naturally colored hair.

Monday, November 9, 2015

Stereotypes Against Arabs/Middle Easterners

Dina Shaian
Stereotypes Against Arabs/Middle Easterners
There are many stereotypes that target Arabs and Middle Easterners. A major misconception people carry is that all Arabs and Middle Easterners come with an anti-semitic ideology, however that is not the case. In fact, there is a number of Middle Easterners who do not hate on the religion and culture of Jews, but accept the other kind of people as well. In addition, people believe that all Middle Easterners either take the action themselves, or support the cause of committing terrorism, especially towards white people. this statement is not accurate because although there is a small number of Middle Easterners who have committed terrorism, that definitely does not mean that the whole Arab community supports or commits the terrifying act. Just because someone does something terrible, does not mean that others who are a part of their country also believe in the violence. There are good and bad people everywhere, and it just depends on the person themselves, but it is not based off of where they originally came from.

Here is a video on the stereotypes of Arabs:

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Stereotypes and Misconceptions Against Brazilians

Stereotypes and Misconceptions Against Brazilians

Over time, many people have perceived many stereotypes about Brazilians, as well as being able to create several differing misconceptions about the Brazilian community. To begin, many people think of Brazilians to be the type of people who love attending carnivals, and listening to a lot of samba music, and lets not forget that "all" they do is play football. However, no one seems to realize that carnivals take place all over the world, and football(soccer) may just be the most commonly played sport in the area, as each country has its most popular scene, especially a most popular form of music. In addition, many think of Brazilian women as being the type to have dark skin, being extremely beautiful with huge curves, walking around pretty nude, and being an easy target to sleep with. Why would someone even come up with the conclusion that all Brazilian women are promiscuous, because this idea is obviously not a fact. Also, many think of Brazil to be a very poor community, where the authority is corrupt, and containing a lot of crime. Many seem to actually focus in on the positive aspects of the country, and focus on only negative statements. Brazil even has some of the most beautiful places in the world, starting with the Amazon Rain Forest, and to Rio de Janeiro. In addition, the most common stereotype of all would be that Brazilians are Latino, but Brazilians are actually no where near being Hispanic.

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Stereotypes Against Latin Americans (10/27/15)

Stereotypes Against Latin Americans

The Majority of Latin Americans have to deal with much stereotype against their race often, and this is a conflict that needs to be stopped. No one should be harassed due to the background they came from because everyone is human, and there should be a stable enforcement of equality across all races. Lets look at a stereotypes that Latin Americans have to deal with on a day to day basis. To start off, a main stereotype Latin Americans face is being looked upon as being poor, and pertaining a low-income salary. This also comes from having low-income jobs. People need to realize that this perspective of Latin Americans is not true at all, and coming from my personal experience, I know some Latin Americans who are placed in highly ranked positions in their job force. In addition, these people receive a steadily high income from their careers. This proves the stereotype to be inaccurate, and media has evolved this stereotypes, and does not allow it to cease. Media did this by portrayed Latino males as gardiners, Latino women as maids, etc. When will all the discrimination end?

Stereotypes and Misconceptions Against Hindus (10/19/15)

Stereotypes and Misconceptions Against Hindus

 In today's times, many people carry around inaccurate perceptions of the people who follow the religion of Hinduism. Let's take a look at some of these misconceptions. For instance, many civilizations portray the Hindus as "idol worshippers." However, that is incorrect since Hindus only worships and pray to an object that is a reminder, or a divine representation of God. Some people even tell Hindus that hinduism is not a religion, like the way christianity and Islamic religions are. However, though it may not be as well known as the other religions, it is still a religion followed by many people. In fact, it is placed third as the third largest religion. Do people even realize that over time these rumors eventually cause Hindus to not feel comfortable to talk to others about their religion, in addition to feeling somewhat unconfident in terms of their religion. The acts of unkindness from one person to another can cause the Hindus to feel very insecure , and that needs to end now.