Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Stereotypes Against Americans

Stereotypes Against Americans

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Many people stereotype Americans as the type of people who only eat foods like fries, hamburgers, hot dogs, unhealthy sodas, and much more junk food. However these foods are not all that Americans eat, in fact there is a much high variety of all of the foods Americans eat. Many think that Americans only eat these junk foods, since a high number of Americans have to deal with obesity. However, there are also many who do not suffer from obesity, as well as a majority of Americans who keep themselves fit and do what they need to do to keep themselves living a happy and healthy lifestyle. It is not right for people to stereotype Americans as an obese group who only eat junk foods as their way of life. Not only is that false, but it also a stereotypical remark that needs to leave.

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Stereotypes Against Italians

Stereotypes Against Italians

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There are many stereotypes against Italian people that still exist today. For starters, many think that all Italian people eat would be either pizza or pasta. Obviously, though that is a common food, when people hear the term Italy, all they think about is the Italian population just sitting around eating pizza or pasta. Another stereotype against Italians would be that their men are womanizers. Many tend to believe that Italian men will approach a woman, especially if she is walking alone, and he will tend to hug her or kiss her hand, to allow her to feel a sort of attraction. In addition, many believe that Italian men have an unhealthy relationship with their mother, since some tend to live with their parents until they are even thirty years old. Although these stereotypes are well known and many believe that they are facts, a whole group of people should not be judged by these misconceptions since no one is the same, and one should never be judges by who they are and what background they have.